
Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas to All!

Our 2008 Christmas wet really well yesterday. The girls had tons of fun opening their gifts from Santa. Maggie enjoyed tearing paper. That was her thing. Today the girls are just sitting back and enjoying their school free day and playing with all their toys. We'll be starting back with school on the 29th unfortunatly because in Feburary I'll be going to Cincinnati with Maggie for surgery and visits with some of their specialists so dad is going to be taking over the school stuff while I am gone but I sure would like to get as much done as I can so we don't get to far behind. Our summer this year is reserved for Philidelphia when we go to the VACTERL Conference. We are going to use that time to vacation too. This year Marilyn is studying American history and so this is a great opportunity to show the girls some real American history.
The girls got a lot of great presents from grandma and grandpa as well. Those presents are sitting up at the farm since everything was just a sheet of ice yesterday and since our parking lot is so far from our apartment it would of been impossible to bring it up. But with a Christmas miracle tomorrow is going to hit to a balmy 65 degrees. I just wish it would stay like that for the rest of the winter. Hope everyone enjoys the pictures , warning.. a few scary pictures of me. I did not have a good night's sleep due to Maggie not feeling well. She had kept me up all night long. So I felt awful getting up at 8 am.

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