
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Writing Tales Day 2

Its amazing what happens when you find a program that works for your children . They love the program and they learn to love writing , and that is exactly what I have wanted all along . Finding the right program was the trick.
Well today , Katie , finished her " The Crow and the Pitcher " rough draft and created the " The Mouse and the Pitcher ." It did take a bit more prompting for Katie . But Katie is younger and she learns ALOT differently them Marilyn does . But I got it out of her by using my own Socratic method . That is where you ask questions to the person so they can come up with their own ideas . It works for Katie . She did have a bit of a tough time with narration with " The Crow and the Pitcher " . But it started to click by the time we got to " Town Mouse , Country Mouse . " This is what we worked on today . The girls enjoyed the story and we set off to learn about different types of sentences . They learned there are 4 different types : Statement , Command , Question and Exclamation .
We played a game which we dubbed " What is that sentence ?" . I put together a slide show of today's activities to show everyone what we did . The girls had alot of fun with the game and I had to make up more sentences so they could keep playing .
Hope you all enjoy the slide show .

1 comment:

Tina in WA said...

That is just WONDERFUL! We love WT too. I think I am enjoying it more because I see that my son isn't struggling with writing like I think he would. He was a slow reader, writer, etc. His sister does an online writing class. I would like him to do it, but know it won't work for the type of learner he is.

I am so thankful for WT. I hope they continue with 3 and beyond.
